Upcoming Trips

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28: 19-20

Short-term mission trips are planned throughout the year to work with our international missionaries and mission partners. In these countries, we plant churches, train pastors, care for orphans and work with Compassion International.

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Ukraine - Construction

  Adults 18+      8/21/2024 to 8/30/2024      $2,500.00  

Send Relief is partnering with Hungarian Baptist Aid and a local pastor in Ukraine to plant a new church in the city of Berehove, Ukraine. As part of their preparation, they purchased a building for this new church plant that needs major renovations. A short-term team will fly into Budapest, Hungary, travel by van across the border into Ukraine where they’ll stay in a hotel, and begin construction work on this recently purchased building.

(Trip Details PDF)

  Mark Gibbs (Leader) Donate To A Participant

South Asia

  Adults 18+      9/4/2024 to 9/14/2024      $3,000.00  

Join us as we serve alongside missionaries on the field in South Asia as we share the gospel and train local pastors working among an unengaged, unreached people group. We’ll be participating with a missionary organization that focuses on sharing the gospel among people and places where He is not known.

(Trip Details PDF)

  Collin McCracken (Leader) Donate To A Participant


  Adults 18+      9/11/2024 to 9/21/2024      $3,400.00  


Join us as we serve alongside one of our partners, in Kijabe, Kenya. While there we’ll work with local pastors who have been trained as part of Biltmore Church’s partnership with IBL to train pastors in Kenya. Our short-term teams will participate primarily in evangelism and outreach to local children and women in the community.

(Trip Details PDF)

  Derick Jarvis (Leader) Donate To A Participant

Mission City Church - Jacksonville, Florida

  Adults 18+      10/25/2024 to 10/27/2024      $300.00  

Join us as we serve alongside Mission CIty Church in Jacksonville, Florida, as we spend a long weekend caring for their team, helping them prepare for their community outreach event, Boo Bash, and serving in Kids ministry on Sunday morning.

(Trip Details PDF)

  Bill Keel (Leader) Donate To A Participant